
a nice little tea party

We have been a bad bloggers this month! Between a trip to Maui with friends (long trip, good time, took a while to recover) and now two weeks of sick on-and-off kids, not to mention work and oh, also the fact that we haven't done very much fun stuff due to the aforementioned sniffles ... well, there's our excuse. But last week before the ton of bricks hit poor Tess, she had a tea party with her best friend Caroline, and it was adorable. 



Tess: Mommy, I have a boogie.
(I grab a kleenex and turn around 2 seconds later.)
Me: Where is it?
Tess: I ate it.
Finn (walking away, says over his shoulder): I teached her that.


T sings at lunch

Apologies that the quality isn't a bit better but I wanted to capture her songs and the only available camera was on my phone!