
Update from Daddy: Sun

We went to the park the other day and Finn had his picture taken in front of a cool new mural. 

Later, while we were out on the playground, Finn took his hat off and handed it to me before he climbed a slide despite the intense sun. I adjusted it and put it on myself. Five minutes later he came running back and asked for his hat again. As I took it off he said, quite sweetly and sincerely, "sorry about your bald head."


Update from Daddy: Story Time

Uncle Jim mesmerizes a new generation of Halton descendants with his rich and resonant storytelling voice. If I had closed my eyes and only listened, it would have felt just like 1978.


Labor Day

What’s Daddy’s secret to landing the big ones?  He works with the best net man in the business.

Happy Birthday to Granddad!!