
more on the nap front.

Finn and I did a lot of running around today ... took a walk and got coffee with Marna (he napped) and then ran to several stores to do some holiday shopping -- during which Finn drank a bottle in the parking lot of a store called Vinny's Garden Center and Holiday Wonderland, which is certainly not the type of establishment we typically patronize. We also went to Target, which Finn knows so well by now, he probably thinks it's our weekend home. 

(He also napped on the ride home! And he's napping now! 3 wee naps in 1 day, after he slept from 8 pm to 7 am this morning. I think that's good.)

Now that we're not getting as much Vitamin D as we did a few weeks ago, we're supposed to give Finn a vitamin supplement. So I bought the stuff at CVS and intended to give his first dose today, until I opened the bottle and smelled the stuff. It looks like a tonic that would have been applied to a wound in the 1940s. I took a small taste and it was totally disgusting. How on earth is one supposed to get babies to swallow this stuff? Or is this bottle from a bad batch? The expiration date is "MARCH10" but maybe that means "March 1910", or "March 10, 1990". If anyone knows about baby vitamins and has advice, I welcome your thoughts.

Meanwhile, this is a photo of Finn from last week after his walk with Grandma, as we've just been too darn busy getting ready for Christmas to take any new photos this week! For shame, I know. Especially since that getting ready for Christmas part is a lie. My dad arrives from Nebraska tomorrow so we'll have some good photo ops this weekend. 


Elaine said...

Hmmm.... I never gave my kiddos any vitamins. Still haven't.

And, as you know, their growth has been seriously stunted. Not.


Of course, CT may be much grayer in the winter than AL is, so what do I know?

Anonymous said...

I had to give A that junk when she was a baby and she gagged it up. I only tried giving it to her once because it looked like syrup. They want me to give it to Adam but I'm trying to figure out why living in AZ we don't get enough Vitamin D? Anyhoo, i wouldn;t worry about not giving it to him. None of my kids have gotten it to date and they are fine. But we do live in AZ.

Pokolodi said...

I used to sneak a drop into a bottle for Carson. Breast milk, in case you haven't yet given into curiosity and tasted it, is very, very sweet. I think it can hide the tiny drop of 1940’s antiseptic. But yes--those vitamins are disgusting! The smell alone…

And I should tell you—when I mentioned to his pediatrician that I was giving Carson said vitamins, his response was: "Well I don't know why you would..." He seemed to think that 5 minutes a day of direct sunlight was enough for the kid. Finn's getting that just getting in and out of the car each day I'm sure. So I stopped with the (very expensive) vitamins and Carson seemed to be fine.

s.cuda said...

I know nothing of vitamins but I do know that Finn looks like an angel!

Penelope said...

I'm embarrassed but Penelope loved her vitamins...go figure.

Auntie Ann said...

Maybe the vitamins should be passed through you!!! Just kidding. (I have to comment on how adorable Finn looks. He must be warm as toast.)

sKimski said...

Extra Vitamin D in winter is good, though bad tasting syrup is not good. Maybe going with the drop in the bottle is the way to go.

JessicaSophia said...

Are you giving him Polyvisol? Sadie actually really likes it. I think it smells vile, but I mask my disgust when I'm giving it to her so she won't catch on that she's supposed to be grossed out by it.