
Train Time

This is one very tired toddler.

We are home from a 4-day road trip to CT and decided to stay in for the morning. Finn has shown some interest in toy trains lately and we decided to set up his trains from Granddad from holidays past (for the first time). Upon seeing them out of the box Finn exclaimed, "(gasp) This is the best train EVER!!" My mistake thus far seems to have been setting them up pre-nap adjacent to his crib.

Here he is gnawing on the fire from the City Rescue set, after saying "Tess, be gentle to the fire."


Shawna said...

Cute. Have you relocated the trains yet? Putting them in Noah's room was totally out of the question. Shawn and I were just discussing how trains are the best investment. We got Noah's on craigslist before he was 18 months old and he is still wild about them. Micah is getting in on the act too. Woohoo for trains.

Sonya said...

I second that. My boys got trains and train sets over the past holidays. Bryce is a little young for them but Grady loves them. We set up the track, it will be out for awhile then we put it away. When he asks for it again we get it back out and set it all back up again. Its a process but he appreciates it every time its back out. We set ours up on the porch which is technically their play room as of now ;-) Good luck with it in his bedroom...How's the potty training going?