
first day of school

Finn's first day back to preschool was yesterday. He has a new classroom with a few other 3 year olds as well as 4 and 5 year olds, so it's a big change from last year but so far he seems to really like it. We all love Montessori and have no doubts that this year will be a success.

Leaving the house.

Most half-hearted wave ever. Is he 3 or 13?

(me laughing)

In lieu of a notebook where I write down the funny stuff my kids, I'm using this blog. So before I forget...

The other day he was saying that he needed some new school shoes and "maybe Mimi could order him some from babyzon.com." (Mimi - he doesn't really need new shoes quite yet.) (NOTE TO SELF: babyzon.com URL is available.)

Then yesterday I mentioned that we need a new broom and he said, "We should go to Home Depot. They have BEAUTIFUL red brooms and WONDERFUL red dustpans." I went to Bed, Bath instead but am still wondering if he was right about the Home Depot brooms?


Sonya said...

Too cute, he's a very with-it kiddo! And I love his birthdy idea of ordering a loader for you! Boys, Oh Boys!

Mom of AOCG said...

He's the world's funniest kid! Love him!