
I Play Purses

I often bring Tess into my room to buy some time while getting ready. Until recently it was enough for her to sit in front of the shoe rack and pull off every pair, occasionally trying them on. She started getting bored with that though, so I gave her a few handbags to play with and this is definitely her New Favorite Thing. She says to me several times times a day, "I play purses!" As in, let me play with your purses! Quickly!

Yesterday I was cleaning off the porch and cutting the herbs up to freeze and it reminded me that her other favorite thing is "I taste basil" and proceed to rip off 2-3 basil leaves, stick them in her mouth and gag on them. I'm glad she likes basil, though. It's a mainstay iin our house.


Sweet Red said...

Aunt How wants to play purses too!! Glad to know it's not all knuckleboom loaders all the time.

Shawna said...

So cute . She's a girl! :) By the way, coveting your full wall built in.