
santa hats

If you've received a holiday card from us in the past three years, I hope you've enjoyed the adorable photos of our kids because this year it's not looking very promising. Mimi knitted these hats for the kids and I tried to get a photo of them - maybe for a card? maybe not? - to no avail.

Such a helpful brother.

Sweet elf.

I call this the "oy vey"/"smirkarama" shot

From the looks of things you all might have to settle for a New Years card, 
or perhaps a simple Easter greeting!


Mom of AOCG said...

The hats are gorgeous and the kids adorable! :) Love your captions! xo

tisha_ts said...

Wait, are you implying there are non-adorable pictures of those two?! Impossible.

Penelope said...

I agree with the comment above. Use any of these. They are totally precious. And send me one! My new address - 204 Ewing Street, Princeton, 08540. Do I have yours? Not sure. Please send it again.

Sonya said...

Those hats are adorable and so are those pics! Here's my wish request to have some made for my boys!!!