

It has taken years, but we now have some nice bedtime rituals. Finn rarely takes a nap anymore so by 7:15 he is so exhausted that he sometimes asks to go to bed. We've been reading "Charlotte's Web" in the evenings but lately he's been too tired to even listen to me read.

Tess, on the other hand, wants to read books and cuddle on the sofa and say good night to the world and talk about the current phase of the moon with me, followed by fifteen minutes of songs in the rocking chair with Andrew. It is hilarious listening to her dictate what to sing to him ... translations are in parentheses.

Andrew: What would you like me to sing?
Tess: WISE MEN! [I Can't Help Falling in Love with You.]

A: What would you like next?
T: MAMA PAJAMAS. [Me & Julio Down by the Schoolyard.]

A: Ok, last song...
T: Holy Child (yawn, thumb in mouth, so very drowsy.) [Silent Night.]

Good Night.


Tree trim

We had a nice and busy holiday weekend. Ate turkey, begged for more of aunt heather's pie from cousin emily, had great family time, slept in a bit (all the way to 7am) and put up the tree! Also went to the glass museum sale and are getting geared up for the Christmas season. Please pray that our tree remains upright for the rest of the year. These kids are worse than kittens!



[3 pm, in car, listening to "Exile on Main Street" ... again. Per both kids' request.]
Finn: Is this four guys?
Me: Yes, it's four guys.
F: Is one of them a drummer?
Me: Yes. He's a serious drummer.
F: (quietly) I'm a serious drummer.


little mayor

We often call Finn "the little mayor" because some of his personality traits lead us to believe that he'll have a future in public service - the winning smile, the great head of hair, never meets a stranger (unless stranger is walking a dog in which case, sayonara), his ability to delegate ("Stand there on that rug; I have a few things to tell you while I go to the bathroom") and negotiate ("I only need six pieces of candy. Ok, four. Ok, three it is.")

However, I've realized before and was reminded again today while in the kitchen making soup and listening to this conversation through the window, that he probably won't get too far thanks - and thankfully - to his complete and utter inability to lie. Then again, he's only four. There's time to learn.

Daddy: You guys need to stop throwing rocks into the lawn. I mean it. Finn, did you hear me?
Finn: It was Tess's fault.
Tess: I'm so sorry, Daddy. I threw the rocks.
Finn: (sigh) I encouraged her.


The kids love Sundays because it means a "day off" from the drudgery of everyday life in the coal mines and garment factories. We are going to be outside ALL afternoon enjoying one of our scarce almost-70 degree days.

Here is a photo of Tess in song. She loves to sing... We are still working on the words to Silent Night though as she keeps talking about the holy child in danger.

This morning Finn burst in at 7:01 saying, "can you believe we all slept in til seven-zero-zero???!!!" It was pretty great actually!


City Trip

We went down to New York City last week for a quick visit (pre-Sandy; thank goodness and also, we are sad for our friends without electricity or even worse, their homes). We had a fun if not very relaxing few days, saw lots of friends, though not as many as i had ambitiously planned to see, and of course top billing goes to Aunt Heather for watching the kids while I got m y haircut and now feel like myself for the first time since 2009.

First subway ride (appropriately, the 1 train - also my first subway experience.)

First cab ride.

Aunt Heather helping Finn with his first papaya hot dog.

Madison Square Park!

Loving the big city playground.

We stayed at Andrew's cousin's apartment, a full-service building with a PLAYROOM that had a BALL PIT! Finn said that his favorite things about NYC were, in order: The ball pit, the skyscrapers and the Lincoln Tunnel.

Brooklyn dinner parties are TOUGH WORK.



Our very adorable snowy owl and very happy crane with wrecking ball had a super fun Halloween! The weather wasn't great but we went to see a few neighbors, now I'd like another excuse for them to wear these costumes ASAP. Thanks to Mimi and Papa for their costume-making talent.

Last-minute crane fix with Snowy Owl.

I love the Owl's pose in the background.

Snowy Owl <3 p="p">

Happy Crane!