
sick house

So this is what a nebulizer is.
Such a sad photo of a sniffly little girl! At least she managed to keep her Tinkerbell sticker intact, and notice how it matches her kelly green sweater so nicely.

The kids have been sick on and off for what seems like weeks. No, it has been weeks. Today I took them both to the pediatrician and Finn to the chiropractor and the verdict is, bronchialitis for T and double ear infection for F. And the snow is falling, we will probably get 8" overnight and I'm hoping for not much more. We will be inside tomorrow doing breathing treatments and making valentines (and maybe I will have a glass or two of wine in order to maintain my sanity.)


tisha_ts said...

Yikes, I would need more like four bottles to deal with a blizzard and two sick kids. :/ Hope F + T feel better soon.

Shawna said...

Oh noooo! That photo is a heartbreaker. Sending healthy vibes to your house.