
Memorial Day weekend

I don't want to be a big ol' wet blanket but this weekend has been a huge drag. Windy, cold, literally freezing. More importantly, Tess didn't really bounce back last week after taking 5 days of antibiotics, and on Saturday we left a really fun birthday party after an hour because "she just wanted to be home." So sad. I almost took her to the hospital that day but we waited until Sunday - good thing we went then, though, because the pediatrician sent us to the hospital for an X-ray which informed us that she does indeed have double pneumonia. Wha?! Thankfully she's now on an oral steroid and antibiotics (both of which I'm not a huge fan of, but the steam showers and thyme oil route didn't seem terribly practical.) This morning she woke up coughing at 6 a.m. and immediately asked for the nebulizer and Lalaloopsy on tv. Finn lucked out and spent the night with Mimi and Papa last night and Tess slept through the night at home and seems much better today. We will probably skip the pool opening today, seeing as how it's 59 degrees outside.

Anyway, I wanted to post some photos Papa took a couple of weeks ago, along with his narrative. It's difficult to remember what it was like to be hot ... although it's supposed to be in the 90s by the end of this week again. Crazy weather seems to be the norm anymore!

(From Papa, May 6): Finn started his usual playing with chains, shackles, etc – hooking them to the tractor bucket while I did a couple of piddly things I could do and still watch his exploration.  I decided he needed some sun screen so we came in to see Mimi and get that (Tess had just started her nap).  As we were leaving the garage he asked if he could drive the Jeep out to the barn – I said sure.  One thing led to another – he decided that the Jeep could be a tow truck.  He loaded all the small chains, the big can of shackles/hooks and then went and got a lot of his tools.  As you can see he did repairs on the Cozy Coupe as well as lots of towing.


Shawna said...

I hope Tess is feeling much better by now. Poor, sweet girl.

Enjoyed the commentary about Finn's adventures.

Deanna said...

Poor Tess. I hope she is better and that you are doing well, sick kiddos are tough on mamas too!