
Separation Anxiety

Our little girl doesn't always like it very much when I leave. We have a new book called "My Working Mom" that is her new favorite because it explains what the kid's witch/mommy does when she leaves for work on her broom. Tess gets particularly ticked when I go to yoga. For example, today.

T: where are you going?
Me: I'm going to yoga while you have quiet time, then we will make a plan.
T: NO YOGA!!!!!
Me: yes, only for an hour.
T: (whimpering) Can't you do yoga at home?
Me: I like to go to a studio, with a teacher.
T: I'm a teacher.
Me:You're not certified.
T: I'm certified.
Me: No, you're not.
T: I am. I really am.

The short story is that after a couple of books, I went to yoga and she is sleeping in her big girl bed - everyone wins.    

1 comment:

tisha_ts said...

Haha. Can you start recording your nightly dinner conversations then send them to me? I'm sure I would find them quite entertaining. :)