
Latest Creation

F&T spent Columbus Day at their grandparents' house as we had to work. I'm pretty sure that means we all won.

From Papa:
"Finn made a trip with me to see how Rob Bennett was doing in digging ditch for his power to new shop (almost done).  On the way home he wanted to stop at the Kinney’s and say hello (I think he has a scam figured out in that regard).  Sure enough Jim offered him chocolate chip cookies even though Colleen was not home.  He had 3, said thank you and was well behaved. Once we got to the shop Finn started his usual.  I gave him the remnants of a motor out of the washer – tried to explain to him how a motor works, in simple terms, with a magnet, wire, etc.  Told him when he gets a little bigger we will make a ‘motor’ out of some wire and nails and use a battery to make it go.  He was working away while I was cutting parts for the scraper we are making.  Next thing I know he is showing me the ‘motor’ he built – includes a spring because it works better that way according to Finn.  He is getting creative, that’s for sure."

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