
Finn's first spreadsheet

Andrew posted this on Facebook earlier this week but I thought it was too good not to share. I have a lot of catching up to do so will try to post more photos today or tomorrow...

This is Finn's first excel spreadsheet. He wants some esoteric accessory for one of his construction truck toys. First we did an audit of his piggy bank and he was able to count out pennies in twos and then group them into groups of ten (with help from Tess). He needed a little help with the amounts denominated by the bigger coins after counting them out. I explained how to perform calculations in the program drawing data from separate cells and, as a child who has grown up surrounded by modern technology, he totally grasped the concept if not fully the execution. We then proceeded to surf the web attempting to find the best price available for the item in question. Since he was $5 short of the lowest one I offered him a dollar to help me shovel and bless his heart he put in a good 45 minutes shoveling the entire Cedar St. and 4th street sidewalk plus helping me with the patio, which is quite a bit for a 5 year-old. When we came in he asked to update the spreadsheet and then look at the weather forecast because he is anxious to earn the other $4. Here's hoping it takes him a very long time.

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