
15 months

This past weekend we have a big group of fun visitors from Brooklyn, including Siobhan and Andrew Roth and Tanya and Kim and Adrian, the latter two with their 4-month old baby Mason in tow. It was great to see everyone and for Finn to hang out with a baby for a while (since he'll have to start getting used to that.) Here are a few photos of them together, although we couldn't get them looking at the same time, and I also didn't get a shot of Finn trying to share his current favorite object - a bottle of lotion - with Mason.

Yesterday we went in for his 15-month checkup and his stats have gone up up up! He gained 1" in height and THREE lbs since his 12-month visit. Guess those cupcakes and crossiants are no joke.

Stats: 30.25" (25%) tall, just shy of 24 lbs (30%, up from 15% last time!) and 46 cm head circumference, which i'm not sure about percentage-wise but am guessing is a pretty good-sized noggin.


Mom of AOCG said...

His noggin is so big to accommodate that big brain of his! :) Love, Aunt Sue xo

Pokolodi said...

I'm thinking that noggin is off the charts! (I'm only trying to make myself feel better about my own child's pea head...which he inherited from me).

I like that "barely there" hint at a new baby. I think that is the first we've heard about this on the blog...

Anonymous said...

love the shirt! one of our faves! who says girls are more fun to dress?! see you SOON. xo, ann