

Our little monkey is spending the night with his grandparents tonight so that they can spend some quality time together and we can get some stuff done around the house (and I'm attending a cooking class tomorrow down the street - can't wait!) Anyway, I'm always anxious to see what he has learned after spending time with "Papa and Mimi" as they are now known. Thanks to our near-constant book-reading and occasional Sesame Street-watching, Finn is starting to pick up new letters - it seems like almost a new one every day. He has B, D, E, G, K, O, S, T, and W down which is very cool - if not confusing that he starts chanting his version of "w, w, w, w, w" every time we pass Walgreens. Our parents claim that Andrew was an early talker and I an early reader, so it will be interesting to see how soon Finn starts stringing words together ... probably won't be long.


Pokolodi said...

Wait--he is recognizing letters???

Penelope said...

please get it on tape. can't wait to hear!

tisha_ts said...

What a smarty pants--yay!

unique font said...

OMG! he's so cute ^^!
lot of love

Pokolodi said...

I agree with Marna--bring on the video! What a smart kid!!