
sand table

Perhaps after several hours watching Finn play in the sandbox at their house, Mimi came up with the idea of a sand table for our patio. Well, no sooner had she asked if this was ok (yes!), Papa built and delivered it. We've had a rainy week but this afternoon had a break long enough to dump the sand in and bring out a few of his little trucks. Every 10 minutes Finn would think of another truck he needed to finish his road. After an hour we had to pick him up and carry him inside. Whining may have occurred. This is really one of the best ideas ever and the only thing I'm concerned about is that we'll have to pass it every time we go to the car.

SO happy!

Andrew heard him saying, "Oh, I don't like the looks of that embankment."

Finn told me tonight that "the people who make toy trucks should also make toy knuckleboom loaders." Are you all familiar with what a knuckleboom loader is? Great. He would also like a toy delimber.


jee mee said...

so funny and cute! oliver and finn could start their own construction crew. come visit us at the beach; there's lots of sand here!

Mom of AOCG said...

I really can't get enough of Finn stories. He has a career in engineering someday, don't you think? And an engineer with personality...he'll make millions! :)

Penelope said...

omg. can you please get some of this on video? Too funny.

Pokolodi said...

Ditto, Marna! I NEED to hear these things coming from his mouth!