
Indiana (almost)

7 hours of driving down, 11 to go. It's really amazing to me how pleasant a road trip can be when one has the following:
- A father-in-law who has done all of the driving so far
- A mother-in-law who loves to entertain kids
- A happy almost-3 year old who loves nothing more than slowing down for road work (trucks)
- A sleeping baby, who for some reason smells like sourdough bread but in a good way.
- Honda Odyssey.

Will update you all as we near Illinois.

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1 comment:

Auntie Ann said...

Miss you already. Cracked me up about the construction workers...Like Finn doesn't see enough of that between Corning and Waverly! When I moved to California in 1964 we had to buy a Pontiac Station Wagon (8 of us in the car) in South Bend, Indiana. It took us 3 days to get there from Waverly as the VW bus broke down in Ohio. Wish that we had a Honda Odessy back then! Have a safe trip!