
Finn turns 3

It has been a big week in our household. Last Friday, Tess started using the potty. On Saturday morning, Finn walked into the bathroom and saw her using it again and ... he started wearing underwear and has been using the potty ever since. Needless to say everyone is pretty excited about his big-boy-ness and thankful that when school starts in a month, he'll be out of diapers.

Sunday was the big day - his third birthday! We had a wonderful party in Waverly and many of Finn's great aunts and uncles who happened to be in town joined us, it reminded me of birthdays growing up with so much family nearby, which made his party extra special. (As Katy told me about one of her friends - my kids will have kid parties when they start asking for them, haha.)

Yesterday Finn started climbing out of his crib and then he finally made it, so it was time to take down the crib and transition him into his toddler car bed. He fell asleep last night after many stories and some back-scratching and slept until 7 a.m.

Now for some party pics. Check out this CAKE!

Heather outdid herself with an awesome (and delicious!) construction cake.

She made fondant pylons that spelled "FINN"

My only regret is that we don't have video of "Happy Birthday"
or you'd be able to see and hear Finn singing louder than anyone else

Sitting in his adirondack chair opening presents.

He loves his John Deere tractor
(a gift from Uncle Pat and Aunt Neta, visiting from KS!)

The orange bow didn't seem to faze him.

Aunt Susan and Tess with Aunt Neta and Beckett.

Sandbox fun right before the rain REALLY started.

Finn received this terrific excavator from Jim & Colleen
... very handy for dumping sand into his wheelbarrow from Mimi & Papa!

Little Blossom

For all of our photos from Sunday here's the link.


3T Mama said...

Finn looks like such a little man :) I cannot believe Tess is using the potty. She's such a big girl and inspiration to her brother!

tisha_ts said...

That is a great cake and a pretty sweet sandbox. Happy 3rd bday to Finn!

And I continue to be amazed by Tess. First talking early, now the potty?! Pretty sure she is destined to be president some day :)

Pokolodi said...

Because my own blog is not working and I haven't been able to post since June, I have been terrible about checking other people's blogs. I just popped over here for the first time all summer and Oh My goodness! These guys are huge! Are you still coming to visit????