
the lion and the bee

I'll never forget the time leading up to Finn's first Halloween when he was about two months old and I was still so tired and I don't know - sometime earlier in October - some of my friends like Val and Sue and Marna started asking what Finn was wearing for trick or treating and I remember clear as day saying - mehh, I don't think we're going to do that. He's so small. And the uproar was so very loud ("You have to dress up the BABY." "Babies in costumes are SO CUTE!") that I relented and stuffed him into a penguin outfit and it was super adorable but it is possible that he has not yet forgiven us (Val, Sue, Marna - you were correct, so no hard feelings).

Fast forward to this year when we started planning outfits a couple of weeks ago - thank god there's no dressing-up situation at school and we only had to worry about the evening of, which was pretty brief. In the past week, Finn has told people who have been asking about his costume that he was going to be either a fish, seahorse, lion, cheetah, or a dragon. Depending on the day. So thank god my friend Stephanie who lives up the hill had a lion costume in just his size that he fell in love with on sight. And also thank god I picked up this little bee outfit at TJ Maxx a few weeks before which suited Tess just fine. We went to a few of our neighbors' houses, saw the decorations in the neighborhood and then came home and it was all peachy... and I'm glad Halloween is a year away.


Ann P said...

gotta love TJ's! this crazy holiday will only get more fun, i swear. until the day, that is, when they don't want us making neighborhood rounds with them. that's when it all goes downhill. love the pics- and glad to see a snowless ground!!

tisha_ts said...

I can just hear and see (in the 2nd to last pic) your love for Halloween ;)

Penelope said...

Gotta start somewhere! And, clearly it led to being very prepared. They are SO SO cute.

Sonya said...

Love the bee and the lion definitely looks like he had a great time! I too feel the same way about Halloween and am glad when its over. Seems like such a fuss for one day but hey, isn't every holiday that way!! We borrow costumes as well, it's one thing I'm not shy on sharing and saving on :)

jee mee said...

oh my god. you have the cutest children ever! and you're looking pretty hot yourself, mama. (i had a purple dinosaur costume for oliver. but it must've looked pink b/c more than a few folks thought oliver was a girl. (could've been his long locks too.) miss you!

Mom of AOCG said...

Say that part again...the one where you said I was right. ;-)

How can you be Mick's sister? It's his favorite holiday! :-0

Cutest little ones, of course. Wish I could give them a treat in person! xoxo