
Taking a Long Walk is supposed to help

One of the nice things about living in New Haven is that it's very walkable, as long as you're able to dodge the idiot drivers, of which there are many. Andrew is fortunate to be able to walk to work in about 15 minutes, and from our apartment to the movie theater is only a half hour, so I should go there today.

Yes, what I really should do is get off of the couch.
And shower.
And get dressed.
Ohh ... the effort ...

This is me trying to talk myself into now leaving my apartment as the midwife mentioned again yesterday that such constitutionals can really help to bring on contractions, labor, etc. Walks, along with a whole host of other things that I won't mention here; unfortunately, the consumption of large quantities of alcohol is not on that list. By the way, if baby stays put this week I'll have an ultrasound on Monday and we'll have to talk about the plan of action ... as much as he apparently likes his current location, he has to come out by the end of next week!

And finally, the photo is of Peggy from Mad Men, one of the other shows (in addition to the Wire and Shear Genius) that I'm mildly addicted to. [Spoiler Alert] At the end of Season 1, she was shocked when she went into labor, as she thought she had just gotten fat! As if. Trust me, when you're 9+ months pregnant there's little else to think about except how pregnant and gross you feel, which is different than feeling fat. I'll give them a pass though because the show is generally quite awesome.

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