
rice cereal yum!

This is a little video of one of the first times Finn ate rice cereal. Be warned -- this video is VERY DRAMATIC. And by very dramatic, I mean it's mostly of my hand, and of Finn looking mildly satisfied by the introduction of cereal to his diet. His fingernails now grow at twice the regular pace. He could be a baby hand model.

On another amusing front, some of you may have heard how Finn really hates it when I don't pay 100% attention to him while nursing. If I'm on the phone, he gives me looks and tries to bat the phone away. Even reading is no longer safe. Just this morning, he grabbed the Atlantic out of my hand while I was reading it and tried to throw it on the floor. So if it's taking me a little longer to get back to you than usual, I apologize that it's not as easy to chat as it used to be ...

On the UPSIDE, Finn slept almost 14 hours last night and then took both a morning and afternoon nap. Yesss.


Anonymous said...

14 hours straight?! I never had a kid do that, not even now when they are 4 and 2 respectively. Jealous!

Elaine said...

I hope you have the next batch of clothes ready, because with that much sleepage he's probably about to sprout. Mine always followed a pattern: Eat Week, Sleep Week, and then all their clothes were suddenly too small. :)

Helen's been in a sleep cycle recently, and I have noticed a dearth in available clothing. And I think her shoes are almost too small. Again.

I swear. She's going to be taller than me by the time she's ten.

Cheeky Baby said...

Could his lip-smacking noises be any cuter?! (The answer is no.)

Anonymous said...

oh my god. so cute. and impatient. how's the poo? we introduced sweet potatoes the past few days and his poo is dark brown with orange flecks. yum!

14 hours? so jealous. we're stoked when he sleeps 6 hours at a stretch.

Pokolodi said...

You should look back at Carson's blog from when he was this age. I posted a new video of him each time he tried a new food. You are exercising so much more restraint than I did!