
but I'm so cute

We woke up this morning to a dusting of snow. I was very concerned that school would be delayed (and therefore cancelled, since school is only two hours) but thankfully it was on, and Finn got his kwanzaa lesson/gym time on before coming home to throw his dreidel at Tess. (Last week was the hanukah lesson). He is such a good kid most of the time but his one major flaw is his need to perpetually hurl objects ranging from cups to muffins to wooden concrete mixers. Everyone says he'll grow out of it, which is all good and well except that we've been saying that now for what feels like forever. So any advice on the *throwing* front would be much appreciated.

One nice thing today is that we really enjoyed playing by the Christmas tree since it was too cold to play outside. Finn is totally obsessed with several of the ornaments including a tiny acoustic guitar, a mini-french horn and a little crystal/nativity scene. He will use ANY excuse to take an ornament off of the tree. Usually he's playing one of the ornaments while singing Jingle Bells. Today he breathlessly rushed into the kitchen holding the nativity scene ornament, and said, "It's a HEXAGON!!" As long as we're impressed by his vocabulary he seems to think he can get away with anything. It often works, but not always.

The other cute thing he said earlier while playing on his ABC's play mat. He picked up the 'A' and I said, "What is 'A' for?" I thought he'd say 'apple' or 'ant' since those are the words in his favorite alphabet book. But he said, "A is for AUDREY!" Aww. He always talks about Aunt Sue and Uncle Mick and how "Uncle Mick lives in Japan" and sent him "Japanese crayons" ... his family is never far from his mind. That's how we're going to keep it.

Love to all of you from this very cold place!


tisha_ts said...

Finn is so smart and such a sweetheart! ...well except for that throwing thing, but I'm sure he is just a boy being a boy. Tess will just be that much stronger (or agile) of a little girl having grown up with him ;)

Penelope said...

He will grow out of it...but may leave a few scars in his wake. I've got stories...

Mom of AOCG said...

We are loving this story! A is for Audrey!!!! Yay!!!!! Big hugs from Japan for that brilliant boy and precious girl! xoxo