
trimming the tree

I'm really glad that other relatives remember to bring their cameras to important photo-worthy events such as the first tree-trimming in our house. Thanks, Heather for these great pics!

"Hmm, where does this wreath go?"
Happy girl

Finn's input was integral to decorating the top 3/4 of the tree.
It's not that we don't trust him to leave our nice ornaments alone,
but yeah, we don't trust him. He's 2.

Digging gently through the nice box.

Look what is in Finn's stocking!


tisha_ts said...

Man, you make some cute babies! ;) Love the stocking photo.

Pokolodi said...

Ditto. Both of those little munchkins are nothing short of delicious. I especially love Tess in the stocking--she even seems to understand how adorable it is!

Mom of AOCG said...

I too love the stocking photo! :)