

Everyone in our house has some sort of ailment this week. This morning Tess was fussy and feverish enough to warrant another visit to the pediatrician. She had an ear infection 3 weeks ago and I thought might be more of the same. I feel so badly for her especially since Finn has never had an ear infection!

The good news is that her ears are clear and she just has a little cold. So I'm going to go on the notion that we're all on the mend. Only December! Is this what we have to look forward to? I hope not...

PS can you believe she's already in Finn's Irish sweater? I wonder if he'll notice.

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Shawna said...

Wow, Finn has never had an ear inflection. That is amazing. Hope you are all on the mend soon. Tess looks darling in Finn's sweater.

Mom of AOCG said...

Hope everyone is feeling better!!!!

tisha_ts said...

Glad you are all on the mend. Once again, Tess looks like a babyGap model :)