
first school picture

The day that school pictures were taken, Andrew came with me to help wrestle Finn into a seated and smiling position and we left thinking, "Oh well. Next year we'll get a good one." Then we got the proofs back and were so amused by this somewhat serious yet adorable photo. I say that if you had to identify Finn's two grandfathers in a lineup based on this photo it would not be terribly difficult.

At the moment, Finn and Andrew are downstairs observing Papa and Mr. Al replace our water heater. I keep yelling down (jokingly) asking Finn if he's ready to come upstairs. "NO I'M NOT READY TO COME UPSTAIRS. I'M HELPING." It's now 8:30 pm and I'm thinking that he might be too tired to even take advantage of the luxuriously hot water for a sudsy bath!!


tisha_ts said...

Crazy cute! I can't believe how grown up he looks.

Anonymous said...

I too thought the same about Grady's school picture this year and it turned out better than I could have ever hoped for! Brad's grandma posted it on her fridge next to Brad's dad's kdg picture and there is no doubt about what family he belongs to. True grandparent resemblence like you mentioned! Grady too, LOVES to help daddy do anything that involves tools and loud noises. Brad recently redid our laundry room in the basement so every night he and Grady would have something manly to do!! Grady helped tape and mud the drywall then the last two nights they got to paint it. Boy oh boy is Grady on cloud nine and telling everyone what he and his daddy did. Bryce stood at the top of the stairs yelling down to them as if saying 'what about me...' He's just too little for now!

Mom of AOCG said...

It really is unreal how much he looks like Tom/Dale. Love that boy!!!! :)