
a good team

I've been trying to take more video lately since it's always so much fun to go back and look at old ones ("old" being relative, of course). The other day I was SO glad the camera was downstairs when F&T were playing in the tv room and I caught him being adorable. If you're in a hurry skip to the :40 mark.

(What he says there if you didn't catch it is "We make a good team!" Talk about aww.)


tisha_ts said...

Laughing.Out.Loud! I loved every eensy bit of this video and am fairly positive I will watch it 10 more times this week :) So darling!

Shawna said...

Oh my, that is the sweetest thing. Love the spontaneous and overzealous hug.

Mom of AOCG said...

AHHHHHHH! SOOOOOOOOOOO SWEET! Tess' smile was so big and proud over his shoulder when he first hugged her! I wanted to jump into the computer! xoxoox

Pokolodi said...

Awww! Don't you just love it! Poor Tess is just like, what the heck is going on here?
Raleigh has just started crawling up to Carson and giving him kisses, so you've got that to look forward to very soon!

Penelope said...

WAY cute. You made my day.