
two-and-a-half finn

It's a pretty sorry situation when I'm so tired in that it's easier to just turn on PhotoBooth to snap a photo of my child than to get the camera out and *sigh* go through the trouble of importing ... so anyway, Finn and I were on the sofa after his checkup today watching netflix online and - well, here you go.

His checkup was great. I told him there'd be no shots (thankfully this turned out to be true) and that he'd have to show the doctor his teeth and possibly to jump up and down. When she walked in he immediately opened his mouth wide to show her his teeth. Then he helped her turn on her flashlight and cooperated with all of her requests, answering all of her questions (what does a cow say, where are your ears, etc.) with atypical patience.

My favorite part - aside from hearing how healthy he is at 32 lbs and 34" tall! - was at the end when the doctor was all done, Finn looked at her and said, "THANK YOU for checking me." Just for being so sweet we went to the car wash after as a special treat.


Penelope said...

He is looking so grown up...sigh.

tisha_ts said...

Such a little charmer :)

Shawna said...

Is Finn really 2 1/2??? Wowee. Glad he is doing great and what a sweetheart, "thank you for checking me."