
little irish

Same onesie, different baby:

March 2009
Finn, 7 months

March 2011
Tess, 11 months

It cracks me up how different they are - our sweet, solid boy and our equally sweet, but slightly less mellow, petite little girl. (When she's wearing a particularly cute outfit, Finn still calls her "Ma cherie Tess." Pam taught him that.)

They are currently resting up for our big night out - by which I mean, we're going out for a walk! In the sun! And maybe to eat some meat. I think Finn just woke her though, as his idea of Quiet Time means jumping in his crib, yelling at Ba to "MOVE THE MOBILE CRANE and get the skid steer out from down cellar." Yelling. Yeah, she's up.

One more thing - the other day I picked Finn up from school and his teacher was excited that he is starting to spell! He did a painting and she was labeling the colors and he said, "Blue, b-b-B! Red, rrrr-R!" It's such fun watching him learn new things literally every day - I can't believe he'll be THREE this summer.


Mom of AOCG said...

CUTEST! Love the big ol' belly of Finn's and sweet petite Tess!!! xoxo

tisha_ts said...

I didn't realize Finn was so much more of a chunk than Tess! And is Mr. Finn serious with these vehicle descriptions?! He knows more than most adults ;)

Anonymous said...

Cute stories and I love how chunky, monkey Finn is at a mere 9 months and Tess is so idy, bidy at 11 months. My boys are two different builds as well rail thin Grady and line backer Bryce!!

Shawna said...

Cute. They both look Irish for certain. It is hard to believe Finn is approaching 3.