
Church or hockey tryouts?

Finn has entered the self-dressing phase. This morning he showed up downstairs in 3 long-sleeved shirts, shorts and striped socks. He looks like he's going to try out for the Sabres. At least he is interested in clothes. (we did negotiate a change of outfit by the way.)

Tess's new thing is to put on a scarf and say "I have a meeting!" ... Not surprising after all of the meetings I had this week. She's sitting next to me wearing an improvised scarf made of cheesecloth.


ANN P said...

so cute, nicolette. embrace the days he'll let you put a button down on his sweet body! they might be numbered, as they were with H!! i am having blog troubles. hence no postings for a while. hope to be back soon. have you any snow up there? we're brown and green with nothing white in sight. so sad.

Mom of AOCG said...

Love Tess' play acting! :) My little girls always picked up the phone and said "Uh huh. Uh huh." while nodding their head and then saying "Thanks. Bye." Modeling a telecommuter. :)

Always happy to see a picture of my buddy Finn. He's so sweet. xoxo

Shawna said...

Nice duds Finn! Finn and Micah share this knack for putting together stellar outfits.

"I have a meeting." Hilarious!

Shawna said...

Nice duds Finn! Finn and Micah share this knack for putting together stellar outfits.

"I have a meeting." Hilarious!

tisha_ts said...

Love, love! They are both super cute AND smart :)