
pillow pet

With kitty cat pillow pet
Because the prospect of muddling through our holiday photos remains too daunting a prospect for my feeble mind, here's another quick post.

One of my friends mentioned a few days ago that our kids look "vintage" - which is about the most fitting description of them I've ever heard. To the point that when I look at Tess sometimes it's like looking at an old-fashioned postcard. She's still a really sweet little girl, if not a bit bossy ("sit DOWN!" etc.) Lately she's been picking up on anything she hears from her brother or the rest of us. I believe that little kids fall into one of two groups - early talkers or early walkers. F&T were both staunch members of the first camp, both speaking in complete sentences well before their 18-month checkups. Last night she woke up at 10 after being asleep for a few hours and when I walked in she was sitting up her crib, and said, "Hi, Mom." I picked her up and she said, "Rock a bye baby." So we rocked for a while and then she said, "Back to bed now." I laid her down, told her I loved her and she said, "I love you, Mom. Don't let the bed bugs bite." Verbatim. Now if I could only get her to keep saying   Mommy ... it's too soon for MOM!

1 comment:

Mom of AOCG said...

Such great Tess stories!!!! Wish I could spend time with her. I would work on her saying "I love Aunt Sue best!" :)