
Church or hockey tryouts?

Finn has entered the self-dressing phase. This morning he showed up downstairs in 3 long-sleeved shirts, shorts and striped socks. He looks like he's going to try out for the Sabres. At least he is interested in clothes. (we did negotiate a change of outfit by the way.)

Tess's new thing is to put on a scarf and say "I have a meeting!" ... Not surprising after all of the meetings I had this week. She's sitting next to me wearing an improvised scarf made of cheesecloth.



This is a photo I love of T and her friend Caroline. Love them.

I really wanted to mention that Finn had an eye checkup this week as he has been squinting when he points on occasion. Worry not for he is fine and he was SUCH a trip during the checkup. He told the ophthalmologist that it's not nice to shine a flashlight in someone's eye, which cracked the nurse up. In any case the diagnosis is 20-20 vision and a growing boy who is figuring out how to focus.


pillow pet

With kitty cat pillow pet
Because the prospect of muddling through our holiday photos remains too daunting a prospect for my feeble mind, here's another quick post.

One of my friends mentioned a few days ago that our kids look "vintage" - which is about the most fitting description of them I've ever heard. To the point that when I look at Tess sometimes it's like looking at an old-fashioned postcard. She's still a really sweet little girl, if not a bit bossy ("sit DOWN!" etc.) Lately she's been picking up on anything she hears from her brother or the rest of us. I believe that little kids fall into one of two groups - early talkers or early walkers. F&T were both staunch members of the first camp, both speaking in complete sentences well before their 18-month checkups. Last night she woke up at 10 after being asleep for a few hours and when I walked in she was sitting up her crib, and said, "Hi, Mom." I picked her up and she said, "Rock a bye baby." So we rocked for a while and then she said, "Back to bed now." I laid her down, told her I loved her and she said, "I love you, Mom. Don't let the bed bugs bite." Verbatim. Now if I could only get her to keep saying   Mommy ... it's too soon for MOM!


budding artist

Finn loves art. Can't get enough of it. Luckily, on Wednesdays when I work a full day, Mimi picks him up and always has a fun project to do while she's here. Last week they did some watercolor painting which turned out beautifully. We have to get organized and get some of this art up on the walls!

Andrew took these photos last week. I love the concentration.


First snow day

We're getting a good little snowfall this morning but it's still warm enough to play outside so we bundled up and set out. Finn was already outside but Tess stopped for a quick pose. She insisted on wearing Finn's bofonda (sp?), the scarf his Spanish teacher gave for Christmas. Btw Tess lasted all of six minutes before coming back in.



I'm testing out my new iPhone with a pic of Finn and his new toolbox! Am I now going to be the worlds most annoying blogging mom?


Not a Box

One of Finn's favorite toddler books was called "Not a Box" - such a good one. Today, another reminder that rather than spending lots of money on a few gifts it's a better value to buy one huge thing that comes in a huge, super-fun box. Or a not-a-box, if you will.

They are busy installing the radiant floor in their new apartment.

Happy new year!