
hanging out, discussing his next meal

Ahh, the elusive photo of the baby with his mama. I'm usually the one taking pictures (always) so I asked Andrew to take some photos of me on the one day this month when I actually had makeup on and my hair brushed. I don't really miss wearing makeup and brushing my hair yet. And yes, I need highlights.

Anyway, Finn is trying to have conversations with us this week - we figure that most of the time he's asking for food, a clean diaper or music. Man. Babies are such wonderfully uncomplicated little creatures.


Pokolodi said...

Finn is obviously Carson's miracle cure--he took one look at this post (we often check the blogs together) and cried out "Baby! Baby!" And like that, all happiness has been restored. Thanks, Baby Finn!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Mama pictures! I think you look beautiful. As, of course, is Finn. :)