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Finn was delighted to see his Grandma and Grandpa, who arrived last night. For the talent portion of our evening, he smiled, laughed and was practically singing along with the totally non-irritating song on his activity mat. Swear! He can't get enough of his activity mat! I wish that there was an adult equivalent.

It's funny how after a few weeks with him as the center of our (very small) universe, we think that Finn has gotten so BIG, and then when he's being held by someone else across the room we realize just how tiny he is...

So, bummer about the economy - but on the bright side, we have our cable back! Comcast came through and brought us a 4th box yesterday that appears to be working, knock on wood.

1 comment:

Pokolodi said...

A hoodie?! Are you kidding me? Man that kid is cute...and well-dressed.