We have had a busy week here with Mr. Finn. He turned 8 months old on Tuesday, which is sorta hard to believe. In the past few days he has really started to sit up on his own a lot more, which is very useful in the playing process. He has been VERY busy with his toys and in particular, the Very Hungry Caterpillar book. He has also been trying like the dickens to teethe. Yesterday was a sort of rough, motrin-y day ... he woke up in tears (real tears!) and was grabbing at his gums a lot. Of course he's not amused when I try to open his mouth and see if there's anything actually in there, but I managed a look and his bottom gums are still very white. So we wait. We have a nice routine down now where he sleeps til 7 am, eats breakfast at 8, lunch at 12, nap from 12:30-2:30, dinner and bath at 6, bed between 7 and 7:30. I'd elaborate but he's trying to type over me, so ... more soon!!
Happy 8 Months - only a few more to go and you will be 1!!!!
Yay 8 months! I can't believe it!
Rub his gums with your finger--I'll bet you'll be able to feel something hard and pointy trying to work its way through. It's about time! You've thought he was teething since he was 3 months old!
Happy Happy 8 months Finn! It's amazing how fast it has flown by and so much fun to watch him grow. Especially since he and Cooper are just 4 days apart. Is Finn really just napping 2 hours? Love your schedule!! We aren't real sure of the meaning here :)
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