
tell me about these "jellybeans"

On Saturday morning, Marna and Penelope invited us (along with a bunch of other friends) over for an egg hunt and brunch. Finn was the youngest baby there and as such, was entertained by watching all of the other kids find eggs and eat candy ... he is totally amazed by "big kids" lately, and watches them as if conspiring to walk. I'm uber-happy that his Finn sweater still fits.


Penelope said...

He may have been the youngest, but I think he gets the cutest award

Cheeky Baby said...

Never before have I seen a post title and post photo go so well together. Based off of his expression I'm totally buying that he is intrigued by "these jellybeans."

And I totally agree with Marna.

Pokolodi said...

Totally wins the cutest award!
He was the perfect age to be there! Old enough to take in everything around him, but too young to even try to hang with the big kids...and get kicked out of the "big kid" room for being a baby. Oh, Carson... I might want to prepare him for the possiblilty of getting picked last in gym class...