
standing up!

pulling himself up (while holding toothbrush)


Finn's not walking yet, but the balance is improving. The walking is probably a few weeks away but he gets really excited when standing up and not holding on!!


Caryn said...

wooo hoooo! Go Finn!

Auntie Ann said...

I new the moccasins would work!!!! He will be creeping up behind you in no time. So cute.
Hugs and kisses. Auntie Ann

Mom of AOCG said...

He's adorable, but step on those toes! Walking is so overrated! :) Can't wait to squeeze him this weekend. xoxo

Pokolodi said...

Yay Finn! It's about to become a whole new world (for you both)!

When Carson hit this stage, I would hand him a toy or something when he was standing and he would start walking. It was as if he thought he was holding onto something supportive and that he was cruising, not walking on his own. In fact, his first steps (which you can watch the video of on the blog: http://pokolodi.blogspot.com/2008/03/poki-walks.html) happened when he decided to steal his cousin's paci. He was so focused on the paci that he just took off. I don't think he had any idea that he was doing it.