
pumpkin patch

Where to begin?!

Oinking at the pigs.

Lucy and Finn checking out the pigs.

I think this is the one!


Today we went to a farm called Pumpkinseed Hill for Finn's friend Claire's 2nd birthday party. It poured all morning but thankfully by the time we arrived at the farm, it had dried off a bit and was overcast but still warm enough to pick out a pumpkin and see the pigs and other cool stuff. Lots of fun!


tisha_ts said...

LOVE these pics! You look great btw :)

Pokolodi said...

LOVE these picture! There is just not much in the world that's more fun than a pumpkin patch.

The last picture, by the way, is the cutest thing EVER.

Auntie Ann said...

I can't help it but does "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" ring a bell? Finn is priceless in the pumpkin patch!!! Too cute.