
12 days til ONE!

It's not too soon to start counting down to her birthday, is it? WOW!

The other day, someone told me that Tess looks like a doll. Sometimes looking at photos of her, I have to agree. In person she's not exactly as sedate as she looks in photos, but she's definitely a sweetie pie.


Pokolodi said...

Surely that wasn't the first time someone told you she looks like a doll, because...duh. She doesn't even look real in most of these photos!

Is Finn reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar to her? So cute.

Cheeky Baby said...

I think you're confused. Tess must be turning one in 12 WEEKS - not 12 days. Cause there is no way that she is that old already. (Says the mother of a teeny tiny baby who will be 2 years old in less than a month.)

Mom of AOCG said...

She is so pretty and very doll-like! :) I bet your Mom is over the moon about the hat in the last picture! :) xo