
long day

When it's 40 damn degrees and raining and my children don't take afternoon naps, it's important to find humor wherever one is able.

[This morning]
Finn was standing at his kitchen. He went to the cupboard and got the rice cooker out. I asked him what he was making at "cooking class." (I've had cooking class for 7 of the past 10 Saturdays.) "Japanese pancakes," he said. "I'll add some flour, salt, and syrup. Perfect." Mick and Sue, maybe he's going to work on this recipe for you ... I'm not sure, but he was rather proud of himself.

[Late morning, Wegmans]
I took Finn to the store so that we could get out the house. Usually he eats his way through Nature's Marketplace all the way to the checkout and is then totally worn out. Of course today this didn't work. Anyway, I was shucking corn and this older gentleman said to Finn, "Hi partner." He walked away and Finn looked at me and whispered, "Is he a cowboy?" (This is a day after we saw a REALLY old guy with a cane leaving church and Finn asked me if he was a shepherd.)

Heard from his crib: "Get me out of here. GET ME OUT OF HERE! BABY CAT IS MAD. Baby Cat wants to play with Mama Cat and Daddy Cat and Tess Cat." And so it went.

And now it's bedtime!


Anonymous said...

Your cowboy and shephard comments made me litterally laugh out loud! I told Brad and he said..."They really have guys that wear cowboy hats where they live" I said, the man just said 'hi partner' it didn't describe his attire! Talk about a stereotyper huh! Don't have to wear western to talk western ;) Kuddos for Finn being on the ball and so smart!

Mom of AOCG said...

Finn is so smart and clever (two different things) and FUNNY! I wish he could come over here and make his Uncle Mick and Aunt Sue some Japanese pancakes! :) xoxo

Pokolodi said...

Oh great--thanks. This post was so funny that I laughed too loud and woke up *my* children. Shepherd....

tisha_ts said...

Ok, both your opening and Finn's comments have me rolling. Naptime - too funny!

Ann P said...

such good comic relief! you spared me turning to jon stewart! when oh when might you be coming back to NH? life just goes too quickly! as you well know with an almost ONE year old. how did that happen?