
first day back (and photos)

Here's the link to Finn's 6-month (almost 7, actually) photos. Thanks, Brie! I love them!

I took Finn to the doctor today to make sure that he didn't have an ear infection and thankfully, he doesn't. There's actually nothing wrong with him but a cold, which unfortunately features a cough that wakes him several times a night. We arrived back in New Haven last night and he was a little disoriented -- he seemed to be thinking something along the lines of "OH MY GOSH, my room still EXISTS and further, WHY have I been sleeping in a pack and play for the past MONTH instead of HERE?" So being home is great and a little bit of an adjustment, but a happy one.


Penelope said...

Nicolette - OH MY GOD!!! There are no words. These pictures are absolutely INCREDIBLE - model shots EVERY ONE OF THEM. Who is this photographer? How did you do this? Seriously - I can't even believe I know you when I look at these. SO, SO cute.

Pokolodi said...

I second EVERYTHING Marna just said! Love them ALL. Finn could support your entire family with his international baby modeling career. I'm still willing to be his manager, by the way.

I so glad you are back! It was great seeing you both in person today (even though mine was not a model baby...sigh). Welcome Home!

Shawna said...


Finn's pictures are darling. I love them. Glad to see you enjoyed your time in Florida - I would love to look at something other than snow right about now.

Anonymous said...

Gerber needs to see this boy! He looks like a baby model, just gorgeous. Miss you, Kelley