
sous chef

And now I shall perform my signature dough-making trick.


I had a feeling last night that Finn was tiring of his usual toys, so I gave him some bowls and spatulas to play with while I made pizza ... it kept him busy and he kept me entertained as well. As you may be able to tell, he's really into his tongue right now. I've given up guessing if it's a teething thing or not.

Finn went to sleep around 7:30 and for the second morning in a row since we've been back in New Haven, slept til almost 7. I cautiously optimistic that we may be onto something!


Pokolodi said...

I forgot to tell you the other night that Carson hit the "tongue phase" on Thanksgiving day '07--he would have been about 6 months old. I remember because that was the day we decided to take our Christmas card photo and his tongue was out in all 150 shots...seriously.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that it's not only a new discovery, but also one of the first stages of language development.

Cheeky Baby said...

I had to look back in "The Scarlett Files" to see when she hit the tongue phase. She was 7 months, and for her, it was a tooth thing. Just a warning. :)http://mycheekybaby.blogspot.com/2007/12/tale-of-two-choppers.html

Caryn said...

Love the bowls and spatula! I think Cooper is tired of his toys too. I think we may go shopping today :)

Elaine said...

Alice was ALL about the tongue at about 7 months: http://photos.imageevent.com/logicprevailed/2005familyalbum/IMG_3310.JPG

It was SO funny to watch her mess around with it. :)