
learning to read

... Well, it's more like "learning to take all of the books off of his bookshelf" ... but in any case, we're happy that Finn is so interested in his books. Currently, his favorite activity is to sit on his floor and go through all of his board books, and occasionally to request a couple of them for me to read to him. (The same couple, but that's fine as he's learning to "oink" along).


Pokolodi said...

This is the first time I've seen him sitting up like that all on his own--He looks SO BIG! Wow!

Finn, you are my kind of kid! I for one think books are just about the best invention ever. You let me know if you ever want a reading partner...I've had alot of practice and I've got some pretty great voices, if I do say so myself.

Cheeky Baby said...

Holy sitting!! Yay Finn! And yay books!

CRigg said...

Books are the best. The gift that keeps giving. And that never goes out of style. Love these photos of Finn!

Katy said...

The top pic looks exactly like Nico as a baby! For the first time - it's always all about Mini Andrew but this one is all baby Nico....always cute as a button!!