
preppy baby

My blue-eyed guys.

Finn waiting patiently for his omelet, whole-wheat pancakes and salmon (seriously!)

Some more photos from Mothers Day brunch. Ahh ... it was such a nice day. I now understand the hoopla over Mothers Day (uh, sorry I didn't really get it before, Mom!!)

Finn is really getting into the solid food thing. This morning after he finished his pears and oatmeal, he ate 1/3 of a banana. It's really quite impressive, how much our little 21 pound guy is capable of eating.

1 comment:

Pokolodi said...

Wow! New blog decor!

Finn looks so adorable in his navy and white. I'm so glad he is such a good eater for you! That can be so stressful if they're not.

I hope you had an awesome first mother's day! It looks like you did!