
big front tooth

At two weeks shy of his first birthday, Finn's GIGANTIC (relative to the rest of his teeth) front tooth, [singular] is coming in. Andrew has been calling him Cletus now for a couple of days. It's a cute tooth but we're sort of wondering when the pair will be complete. It's funny that Finn is really not at all used to having something in that gum area, but he's making the most of it by eating large breakfasts of two-egg omelets, toast and ham.

He has been saying some cute words lately too ... he's just aching to speak in complete sentences. He says MAMA all the time, although I'm starting to think that one could substitute HEY for Mama and have the same effect. I hear him in the living room when I'm making coffee saying "mama mama mama" and he really might as well be saying "hey hey hey hey" just like that far side cartoon with the barking dog. He still asks for Grandma (mmmm-ma) a lot, and almost says water (waaa-ah) and ball (baah). I'm telling you, he's going to be a talker. Not a big surprise, if you know his dad.

PS Thanks to Marna for the pic; I hope that Finn's ISR teacher doesn't see this post, since he's not supposed to be in floaties! It was only for the photo op, Jody!

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