
graduation from floating school

Finn was up last night from 10:30 to 12:30. I can't remember the last time he didn't sleep through the night (!), so it was sort of disconcerting. This morning it occurred to me that perhaps he was nervous for his floating test, which was at 9:15!! The good news is: he did GREAT. As you'll see, he had to do the "flip over and float" fully clothed as to simulate falling in with his clothes on. When I first gave him to Jody, he didn't realize that he'd have to swim - after all, he had clothes on, right?! Then it slowly dawned on him ... his expressions are priceless. Anyway, he's done with floating lessons until next year, when he learns the swim sequence. Bring on the pools!


Pokolodi said...

Holy WOW!!! That is amazing! He was totally floating all by himself! I was especially impressed with his barrel roll. He's ready for a kayak.

I was also impressed with the woman swimming by with her little pool noodle. She was looking at him with such confusion. I can't believe she didn't freak out and grab him from the instructor.

Mom of AOCG said...

What an AMAZING, TALENTED fish of a nephew I have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!