
house full of toys

Finn probably doesn't understand why on earth we spend any money at all on toys, when our apartment is literally full of fun stuff to play with. For example, drawers. The drawers in his room, the kitchen and living room are a source of endless fascination. And for this reason, we'll be going to Babies R Us today to buy devices that prevent him from opening them and slamming them shut on his fingers.

It's really amazing how fast Finn moves just by scooting around on his belly and rolling around. He's not trying to pull himself up just yet but will be in the near future. Every week he seems to get bigger and faster and more aware of everything around him; it's so much fun to watch ... a little scary, but fun.

1 comment:

Mom of AOCG said...

A bunch of fun-hating parents you are! Locks on drawers? Next thing will be plugs in electrical sockets! :)