
haha, mommy

It has been a little sticky in our apartment lately so I've been putting Finn down for his nap in just a diaper. Since I think that a sleeping baby in a diaper is one of the cutest sights in the world, I wanted to take a photo of him today. SO a half hour after putting him down I snuck (or so i thought) into his room with my camera.

Suffice to say, he loves to surprise me...

We are going to lower the crib in the next couple of days as he figured out this morning how to stand up. Uh oh.


Mom of AOCG said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He fooled you! :)

Auntie Ann said...

I expected you to say no diaper!!!! That was how we found Julia once!!! It was pretty cute and thankfully there was no clean up. Thank you for the daily posts. You are doing a great job.

Caryn said...

cute cute cute cute cute! Mr. Adventure!

Pokolodi said...

Man you've got a good kid. Do you have any idea how good you've got it?? Most people are still rocking or nursing their babies to sleep at his age. Finn’s just chillin’ and enjoying the alone time.

And I have to say it. I saw the brown animal on his bumper pad behind him and thought for a minute that he'd taken off the diaper and disposed of its contents on his own. Gross, I know...but it has been known to happen.

Also, a word to the wise--remove the bumper pad when you lower the mattress. He's a smart little bugger and he might figure out how to use it as a stepping stool.

sKimski said...

He looks like he's having a picnic in his crib, ha ha.