
casting call

The line of strollers outside the studio door.

The line inside.

Finn looking introspective right before his photo.

Thank goodness my mom is here visiting otherwise we probably wouldn't have had this adventure, as there's no way I'd have gone alone! On Thursday I received an email from a talent manager asking if we could go to a casting call for Babies R Us in NJ on Friday. Sure! Why not? So we woke up the next morning and packed up the car for an epic journey that should have been two hours each way ... more on that later. Anyway, I was just excited to see what these things are like, and the crowd did not disappoint (although Theresa from the Real Housewives was unfortunately not present). There were dozens of cute babies and I felt sorry for the parents of the children who screamed from start to finish; thankfully, Finn was not one of them. Basically the casting people just weighed and measured him--29" and 20 lbs, fyi--and then took his photo in a diaper--very cute. Wish I had a copy. Anyway, who knows what they are looking for ... presumably we'll find out this week if he's selected for a photo shoot in the next 10 days.

Friday happened to be the day that a line of tornadoes swept across the Merritt Parkway so it took us four hours to get home, which sort of took away from the experience. But that's ok. It was fun and I've always wanted to see what one of these was like.

Now Finn's birthweek begins!


Pokolodi said...

Wait a minute...I thought we agreed months ago that I would be representing Finn since my own child crushed all my hopes and dreams of being the mother of an international baby model? Even though you left me out of this, I expect to receive my full commission...

Mom of AOCG said...

Well, of course he's going to be on next month's cover!!!!