
Blueberry Tart

We have been experimenting with homamade play-doh this week and Mimi made this delectable "dessert" for Finn this morning. He was psyched. If any of you would like the recipe (for play-doh, not the tart) let me know.

In much less fun news, my mom has been in the Corning Hospital ICU for a few days since passing out at home on Monday. She is improving with the help of antibiotics and we are hoping that the hospital staff can figure out what triggered this, as they don't seem to have any good ideas. We are going back shortly to visit and see what we are able to find out... Please keep her in your prayers.


Penelope said...

oh nicolette, that's awful. i'm so sorry. way to get acquainted with your local hospital. must have been scary. i'm glad she was with you. hope they figure it out soon.

tisha_ts said...

Homemade play-doh is awesome! My mom used to make it all the time when we were little and we had so much fun.

I will keep Bernadette in my prayers. Scary that she hasn't been diagnosed yet. Please keep us updated.

Shawna said...

Nico, Any update on Bernadette? We are thinking of her, let us know.

That blueberry tart is really cute.