
he's come around

Last week, Finn hated the swings. Wanted nothing to do with them. Then, he changed his mind and now he loves the swings again. Phew!

Story for you. Yesterday, I was sitting on the couch feeding Tess when she spit up with no burp cloth in sight.

Me: Finn, could you get a kleenex for me?

Finn runs to the other room, returns with a kleenex.

Me: Thank you so much!

Finn runs to the other room, returns with the entire box of kleenex, and starts systematically taking them all out and handing them to me.

Me: I'm all set! You can put the kleenex back.

Finn: Finn wash hands!

He runs into the bathroom. I hear the faucet running. Next I hear Finn say, "Mama, waterfall!"

This is probably not good. So I run into the bathroom to see an almost-full box of kleenex in the sink under running water. He was so proud of himself. I'm all for encouraging creativity but his obsession with the bathroom faucet might need to stop. Any helpful hints, aside from keeping the bathroom door shut? That is easy enough...

1 comment:

Sonya said...

Grady was obsessed with the bathroom sink for a long time too. We would either fill the sink up or stick his hand under the faucet to make water spray EVERYWHERE!! Let's hope Finn doesn't discover that the kleenex waterfall sounded bad enough! All I can say is good luck I think its part of that 'all boy' stuff I'm always hearing about.